Vision of Professional Public Service
We believe in the right of all individuals, without exclusion, to participate fully and democratically in the social, cultural, economic and political systems that affect their lives. Therefore, professional public servants must understand, engage and transform these complex systems to ensure fairness, eliminate injustice and effect positive social change.
We believe in the right of all individuals to reach their full potential and to embody the spirit of democracy. Therefore, public servants must join with those who are marginalized so they are advocates for bettering their own lives and developing their own communities.
We believe in moral leadership that includes integrity, compassion and a commitment to social justice. Therefore, public servants must listen to and learn from varied groups, compromise and build alliances and take strategic and decisive action to advance the common good.
The mission of the Clinton School of Public Service is to educate and prepare professionals in public service who understand, engage and transform complex social, cultural, economic and political systems to ensure fairness, confront injustice and effect positive social change.
We will realize our mission by:
- Operating at the intersection of theory and practice.
- Establishing, nurturing and maintaining a community of students, scholars and experienced public servants.
- Creating and sustaining partnerships and alliances with public, for-profit, non-profit, philanthropic and volunteer sectors.
- Systematically evaluating the school’s effectiveness in fulfilling its mission.
Underpinning Values, Knowledge and Skills
- Integrity/honesty
- Open-mindedness
- Responsibility
- Equality
- Commitment/dedication to service and social change
- Stewardship/sustainability
- Passion for service
- Communication – theory/models/process methods/strategies
- Community/economic development
- Program design, planning, and development
- Program evaluation
- Cultural awareness
- Professional and personal ethics, ethical behavior
- Social change theory
- Global/international development
- Economic development
- Empathy
- Critical and analytical thinking
- Communication – facilitation, inter-personal management
- Communication – effective oral/public speaking, presentation and writing skills
- Leadership in public and nonprofit organizations
- Advocacy
- Decision-making skills for public and nonprofit organizations
- Research methods
- Data analysis
- Public policy analysis
- Conflict management – negotiation, mediation, resolution