In 2013, a team of Clinton School students began working with the City of Little Rock to research communities across the country, with the goal of offering ideas for future bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in Little Rock.
The team worked with Jeremy Lewno, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for the City of Little Rock, to develop the recommendations. They traveled to Fayetteville, Austin, Chattanooga, and Memphis to study how these cities manage their programs.
The final report emphasized the need for viewing biking and walking as integral parts of transportation planning, fostering community involvement, utilizing diverse funding sources, and improving education and outreach, with the goal of creating a comprehensive, sustainable transportation network in Little Rock that serves all residents.
Since the publication of the report, Little Rock has elevated the BikePed Coordinator role to a full-time position, adopted a Complete Streets Ordinance, completed several repaving projects, implemented the Complete Streets Master Plan, and become just the second city to introduce a Friendly Driver Program.
The Clinton School Impact Minute is a recurring segment with Little Rock Public Radio, highlighting the Clinton School’s field service impact.
Since 2004, Clinton School students have completed nearly 700 field service projects with more than 300 organizations in Arkansas alone, creating immediate and long-term impact for businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies across the state.