Clinton School graduate Tina Tian (’09) participated in the UALR Piano Ensemble performance Saturday evening in the Stella Boyle Smith Concert Hall on the UALR campus.
She performed Frederic Chopin’s “Nocturne in C-sharp minor,” which Chopin composed in 1830. In addition to her solo, Tian also played a duet and later joined with three others in an arrangement using two pianos.
Prior to graduating from the Clinton School, Tian had not played the piano since her childhood in China. About a year ago, she started studying through the music department at UALR. Tian is working at UALR and is also pursuing an MBA degree there.
Clinton School graduates Christin Harper (’07), Josh Heimburg (’07), retired part-time faculty member Dr. Ruth Allen and Clinton School Dean Skip Rutherford were among those attending the peformance.