A Decade of Change

Posted by Dean Dkip Rutherford – On November 7, 1997, President Bill Clinton announced that he would place his presidential library on land east of Interstate 30 in downtown Little Rock. He also told University of Arkansas President Dr. Alan Sugg that he wanted also to establish a higher education component as part of it. At the time, the location was a 28 acre site of old and some abandoned warehouses. One restorable historic structure, an 1899 train station, had been a passenger depot, a restaurant, a nightclub, a church and a storage facility. The site the President had chosen was referred to by one newspaper columnist as “murky bottoms” because of its dismal condition and location. Others said people in Little Roc would “under no circumstances” walk under an interstate to get to a museum, school, park or restaurant.

Downtown business leaders were thrilled because they, like Clinton, believed it would serve as an anchor for the emerging River Market Entertainment District.  They hoped it would spur retail and residential interest as well.

Clinton had several goals: (1) spur downtown and area revitalization; (2) set an example of how economic development and the environment could work together by building America’s first “green” presidential library; (3) create a statewide tourism magnet because, as the first president to have a White House Conference on Tourism, he knew and understood how important it was. The interstate that people “under no circumstances” would walk under would provide visibility and access for millions of travelers; (4) establish a unique school of higher education in partnership with the University of Arkansas with a commitment to “public service” being its niche; (5) make an architectural statement by bringing a precedent-setting modern style to the South;  and (6) develop an interactive museum which would provide those from this part of the country who would never be able to go to Washington and experience icons like the White House Oval Office and Cabinet Room.

On November 7, 2007, the Clinton School will host a community conversation looking back on those 10 years since the President made his decision while looking forward at the next 10 years. I’ll moderate a panel which will include Little Rock City Manager Bruce Moore; City Director Dean Kumpuris, Developer Jimmy Moses and the CEO of the Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau, Dan O’Byrne.

Hope you will join us for a noon brown bag lunch in the restored train station/restaurant/nightclub/church and warehouse. For reservations, email publicprograms@clintonschool.uasys.edu.



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