Clinton School Impact Minute: Arkansas Barbecue Trail

Brock Hyland, a native of Crawford, Texas, fell in love with Arkansas barbecue as a student at the University of Arkansas. When the time came for him to create his final Capstone project at the Clinton School, he wanted to do something no Arkansan had done – develop a barbecue trail and find a corporate sponsor to promote the state’s unique barbecue culture.

In the Spring of 2021, the Arkansas Barbecue Trail was born, featuring 40 of the best barbecue spots in the state. Participants can collect stamps from the restaurants they visit on the trail to compete for prizes from sponsor PK Grills.

For Hyland, the idea was always about economic and community development for family-owned barbecue restaurants. Aware of the financial hardships and public health challenges restaurants faced during the pandemic, the community awareness and tourism created by his work has been felt in small towns and restaurants across the Natural State. The 2023 edition of the Arkansas Barbecue Trail will be released in the October issue of Arkansas Times.

The Clinton School Impact Minute is a recurring segment with Little Rock Public Radio, highlighting the Clinton School’s field service impact in Arkansas.

Since 2004, Clinton School students have completed more than 600 field service projects with nearly 300 organizations in Arkansas alone, creating immediate and long-term impact for businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies across the state.



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