Gillian Gullett, native of Little Rock, partnered with the Downtown Little Rock Partnership on her final Capstone project.
Gullett’s work focused on the city’s nearly 20,000 downtown parking spaces – many of which go unused every day.
Underutilized surface lots separate businesses and corridors from each other, leaving downtowns less walkable and connected.
Gullett, whose research included studying cities of similar size and how they have shaped their downtowns, provided recommendations to the city on how repurposing these parking dead zones can bring about growth and development in downtown Little Rock.
Gullett’s research and recommendations were timely, as the city is undergoing its first master planning process for downtown Little Rock.
Gullet’s final report has been delivered to the nationally renowned planning consultant to include in the process for the City of Little Rock’s master plan.
In February 2023, Gullett was named to the city’s first Downtown Density Task Force, which convenes to offer strategies and goals related to land use issues downtown.
The Clinton School Impact Minute is a recurring segment with Little Rock Public Radio, highlighting the Clinton School’s field service impact in Arkansas.
Since 2004, Clinton School students have completed more than 600 field service projects with nearly 300 organizations in Arkansas alone, creating immediate and long-term impact for businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies across the state.