Inauguration Day

Posted by DEAN SKIP RUTHERFORD – While some of our students and staff will be in Washington for the inauguration of President Barack Obama, I’ll be at the Clinton School watching it with other students, faculty and staff. We’re not having a public program; instead we’re using the inauguration as a part of our “Academics For the Real World” curriculum.  Elective office is public service and we’ll be paying close attention to what the new president says in his inaugural address.  We’ll also be receiving texts, photos and emails from students, staff and friends who will be in Washington in addition to  having our own special educational competition which we will share with others on our blog Tuesday.

I attended and thoroughly enjoyed President Clinton’s inaugurations in 1993 and 1997. Though I do have some regrets about missing this historic ceremony, projections that the Obama-Biden inauguration attendance will more than double the Clinton numbers, the cold weather conditions of a lengthy outside stay along with the financial expenses of the trip itself will make spending the day at the school a pleasure.



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