Partner Profile: ForwARd Arkansas

Team: Connor Donovan (Little Rock, Ark.), Kirby Richardson (Rogers, Ark.), Katie Barnes (Atchison, Kan.), Rachel Cole (Bloomington, Ind.)

Supervisor: Cory Biggs

This project is designed to support long-term academic partnerships between area middle schools and community institutions. The Clinton School practicum team is conducting best-practices research on successful school-community partnership models from around the United States to help craft a structure for each school to engage with partners, and to help create a long-term vision for such partnerships. The project will result in a toolkit with action steps for implementing formalized partnerships, beginning in spring of 2018.

Mission: ForwARd Arkansas is a public-private partnership established by the Arkansas State Board of Education, the Walton Family Foundation, and the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation to improve equity and increase student  achievement and economic prosperity for Arkansas.

“We’ve been very impressed by the work of the students and are thrilled to partner with the Clinton School in support of the Little Rock School District on this important work. As an alumnus of the Clinton School, this experience has been especially rewarding. I am so pleased to see the quality of field service work continue to improve year after year.” – Cory Biggs, ForwARd Arkansas Associate Director



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