Tim Russert: “Thou Shall Not Whine”

In the long run, even with incredible opportunities presented to them, whiners and floaters often end up asking “what happened” while others “make things happen.” Tim Russert must have seen that–thus the sign in his office.

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Happy Father’s Day

The sudden and tragic death of NBC’s Tim Russert has added a new perspective to Father’s Day this year. Russert, one of the greatest political journalists of our time, was also a devoted son and a loving father. Both survive him as does his wife and three sisters. Countless numbers of people who watched him on television are grieving.

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Election 2008 Q&A

Q. Now that it’s Barack Obama vs. John McCain, who do you think will win?
A. Don’t ask me. I’m the one who predicted a few months ago it would be Hillary Clinton vs. Rudy Giuliani. In 1992, I told Bill Clinton he didn’t have a chance winning the presidency.

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The 2008 Election

They thought 2008 was their time and their year. Quite frankly, I did too. Unfortunately, in politics no one has the market on times and years. Though sexism probably did play a part (as did and as will racism) the real factor is not what Senator Clinton didn’t do, or Bill Clinton’s role, or media bias; it’s what Senator Obama did.

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The Scholars Garden

The Scholars Garden is the area of the Clinton Presidential Park between the Clinton School and the National Archives staff offices. The garden, which is a wireless hotspot, is a place where people can gather, relax, have lunch and work on their laptop computers.

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Q&A with Dean Skip Rutherford


Q: What’s it like at the Clinton School during the summer?

A. While different from the traditional school year, it’s still a busy time. Our students are working on their summer international public service projects, and we’re working to make sure they’ve arrived safely in their respective locations on all six inhabited continents.

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In Defense of Hillary Clinton

I am convinced Hillary Clinton meant no harm when she referred to Senator Robert Kennedy’s assassination. While it may have been an unfortunate choice of words taken out of context, it’s clear she was referring to the June time period and pointing out that presidential primary campaigns can be lengthy.

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Memorial Day Weekend

The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan are vivid reminders of the significance of Memorial Day, Monday’s federal holiday honoring the women and men who died in military service. In my opinion, there is no greater public service than military service and my thoughts on this holiday weekend are with those who are serving our country and their families who hope and pray daily for their safe return.

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Bowen School of Law’s Commencement

I’ll be speaking Saturday afternoon at the 2008 commencement of the UALR William H. Bowen School of Law. Together the Bowen School and the Clinton School now offer the nation’s first joint JD/MPS degree. In 2009, Idonia Trotter is projected to be the first student to receive the joint degree. As part of my graduation comments, I’ll continue to lift up two of my major concerns: student loan debt and the need for scholarships.

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The Clinton School Campus and Neighborhood

The University of Arkansas Board of Advisors met at the Clinton Presidential Center Friday. Members of this group are from Arkansas and throughout the country. In my remarks, I asked those who had never been to the Clinton Center before to raise their hands and was surprised at the large number who had never visited. It was, therefore, a pleasure for me to share the history, tell the stories and give many a guided tour of the Clinton School and the Clinton Library.

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