The new students, some of whom will be pursuing concurrent degrees in business administration, law, and public health, represent the school’s eleventh class. Since the enrollment of its first class in 2005, the Clinton School has grown steadily and has attracted students from all over the country, from more than 40 countries, and over 200 different colleges and universities. The new class of 2017 includes students from 14 states and 9 countries.
Read MoreProgress of participants seen as highlight of 2015 Social Entrepreneurship Boot Camp
Elston Forte came to the 2015 Social Entrepreneurship Boot Camp with a lot of passion. He left with a lot of focus.
Read MoreStudent Tshering Yudon Leads Networking Mapping Initiative for a Women’s Business Training Program
Second-year student Tshering Yudon spent four months at Vital Voices Global Partnership as a McLarty Global Fellow. Yudon spent an additional three months compiling and enhancing her research on the structure, characteristics, dynamics, and value of women’s business networks.
Read MoreStudents Highlight the Importance of English as a Second Language Programming in Central Arkansas
For the past seven months, four students from the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service worked with Literacy Action of Central Arkansas (LACA) to gather perceptions on the need for English as a Second Language (ESL) programming in the region.
Read MoreStudents Present Research on Neighborhood Revitalization in Garland County
A team of graduate students from the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service, in partnership with Garland County Habitat for Humanity (GCHFH), completed a study exploring ways for GCHFH to have a greater impact within the communities it serves.
Read MoreStudents Examine Publicly Funded Program that Feeds Arkansas’s Hungry Kids
Three students from the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service worked with the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance (AHRA) to complete an assessment of the organization’s publicly funded school breakfast program, Arkansas Meals for Achievement (AMFA).
Read MoreClinton School Students and Alumni Respond to Earthquake in Nepal
Nepal was recently hit by a 7.8-magnitude earthquake, killing at least 4,500 and displacing tens of thousands from their homes. Clinton School students and alumni are raising funds to contribute to the relief efforts.
Read MoreStudents Create Avenues for Collaboration in Pine Bluff Neighborhoods
In conjunction with The City of Pine Bluff Economic and Community Development Department, three students from the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service have worked to initiate a collaborative project in a neighborhood on the east side of Pine Bluff, Ark.
Read MoreStudents Explore Possibilities for Expanding Arkansas Education Nonprofit
Three students from the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service worked in collaboration with Arkansas Commitment, a leadership development and college access program in Little Rock, to assess the possibility of expanding the program to various communities across the state.
Read MoreStudents’ Research Highlights Need for Home Health Interventions in Arkansas
Four graduate students at the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service partnered with the Clinton Climate Initiative’s Home Energy Affordability Loan (CCI-HEAL) program to explore the connection between baseline housing conditions, asthma prevalence, and related health care costs in Arkansas.
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